Our Team
Kyle Lybarger
Born and Raised in Morgan County Alabama, Kyle has been exploring the outdoors for as long as he can remember. This has led him to an interest in wildlife and eventually a Forestry Degree from Alabama A&M. After college he gained an interest in the overlooked grasslands of North Alabama which pushed him to start educating through social media and ultimately to founding the Native Habitat Project.
Jake Brown
Growing up on a farm in East-central Alabama, some of Jake’s earliest memories are of his grandmother taking him on “nature walks” around the family property, in search of anything that walked, crawled, swam, flew, or bloomed. From those moments his love for the outdoors only grew deeper. He went on to Auburn University where he received a degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Environmental Engineering. Jake worked for a private engineering firm for six years before joining the Native Habitat Project.
Alan Summerford
Born and raised on a cattle farm in Falkville Alabama, Alan grew up with a passion for being outdoors. His grandfather introduced him to hunting when he was 11 years old. His love for agriculture drew him to Auburn University where he graduated with a degree in Agricultural Economics and a minor in animal science. His love for the land drove him to provide the best grazing for his cattle while optimizing the wildlife habitat on his family’s working farms. His love for growing, maintaining, and designing the land to its maximum potential led him to the Native Habitat Project.